In short, when you travel only about three hours from Miami to south you'll end up in Key West. It is an island just 90 kilometres from Cuba. The town has a lovely old fashioned feeling to it, which I always fancy. Even though it rained the whole day, I still kind of liked it and wished to be there for longer, as in anywhere in USA there is just toooooo much to see and experience.
The trip to Key West from Miami doesn't cost itself that much (around 50 euros I would say). However as you get there, there is a lot of different kind of activities you can do. The agency which we used offered for example parasailing, snorkling and glassbottom boat (around 30-50 euros depending). As it was raining and we weren't really prepared for anything special we decided to do the glassbottom boat. It happened to be such a bad weather that the boat did not go their usual route, which ended up being pretty boring. We also thought that the "glassbottom" would have been more impressive. I would definitely recommend this to a nicer weather or for a person who loves biology, because the presentation offered a lot of education.
Your tourguide said that the perfect day in Key West would include something fun in the sea and something in the city. One option for only walking through the city as we did, would have been a trolley ride with these lovely old-timey trollies.
Mallory Square is on the water front of Key West and the place to watch the sunset in the evening apparently, even though we didn't get to see that much because of the clouds. But there was lot beauty too see without it also, street performers and the sea, plus these old-fashioned popcorn stands and booths. And it is also the place to buy real sponges!
December 31, 2013
December 24, 2013
December 21, 2013
1 most important picture
More like 100 most important pictures, as I do have at the moment (if I calcutalated correctly) 92 equally important pictures on my wall, from the 5 past years mainly. It is not simply not possible to choose one.
Here are some of my newest loves, which I found while going through some old photos. I hope to see these amazing and personally important pictures on my wall soon. They are from my second or third trip to abroad. Tomorrow begins the 15th (again if I calculated correctly).
Here are some of my newest loves, which I found while going through some old photos. I hope to see these amazing and personally important pictures on my wall soon. They are from my second or third trip to abroad. Tomorrow begins the 15th (again if I calculated correctly).
December 19, 2013
2 fears
1. Clowns and Santa Claus
This is fully an accident, that this post as well will have Christmas in it, but here it goes. I don't remember ever finding clowns or Santa anywhere amusing. There are different reasons for it I guess. I'm afraid of Santa because I was a shy child and hated when I had to go to Santa's lap or sing for him. It just made me super uncomfortable. That might be also because I don't remember believing it the Santa deception. I found it just odd and unlikeable and I also knew he was the man from the next door.
With clows, I think it is the same in the sense that I have always hated them. I don't know why, but something about all kinds of masks freak me out. Even if it is just facal paint, it is too much for me. Makes me think of murderers for some reason.
2. Heights
I have long hated heights. I don't exactly know since when I have been actually afraid of them, but I still am. It has however happened that since I have been traveling by airplane in these past 2 and half years, more than I did before, I have overcome some of the fear for heights. Takeoff used to make me cry, but it doesn't anymore, and I'm happy about it, because I truly looooove traveling! Tall buildings nevertheless still get me my heart on my mouth.
Top of the Rock, NYC
December 18, 2013
3 life lessons
I admit, I watch too much TV!
I watch the world best series as if it was my religion, I never miss a new episode on purpose. That serie is How I Met Your Mother. That is why the first two life lessons might seem familiar to those who are watching HIMYM
1. Nothing good happens after 2 a.m.
I have come up with the mistake of doing and deciding things after 2 a.m. so many times that soon I would have realized this life lesson by my own. I hope I will stick to this more in the future. No decisions or radical things done after 2 a.m.
2. The most important people in your life are the ones you can picture sitting on a porch with.
I don't think this need any further explanation.
3. Sometimes watching TV and being alone is the best cure
This I have learned through the hard way by doing too many things. Because when you feel tired, everything feels annoying. That is when you should be alone, sleep and watch sitcoms.
In the spirit of sitcoms this blog post is illustrated by pictures from my favorites! (and I know I'm a bad person for not having the sources)
December 16, 2013
4 + 1 unelmaa
Tällä hetkellä vaan haluan nää haasteet pois alta, siksi kuvattomia tylsäpostauksia. Toivottavasti edes jotakuta kiinnostaa mun höpötys lukemisen verran. Jälleen kerran skippaan ne tavallisimmat; perhe, työ ja terveyttä elämään -jutut ja meen niihin vähän enemmän musta yksilönä kertoviin.
1. Ulkomailla asuminen. Oon pitkään halunnu kokea asumisen jossain toisessa maassa. Piti lähteä vaihtoon, se olis ollu yks, en lähteny. Seuraavana suunnitelmana on opiskelut mahdollisesti Skotlannissa. Ehkä silloin siis. Tai sitten myöhemmin. Tai opiskelujen ohella Suomesta. Tää on haave jonka oon jättäny aika kohtalonkaupaksi, vaikka toki tavoittelenkin pisteitä joilla mahdollisuus Skotlantiin irtoais!
2. Pitsihuvila tai kattohuoneisto tai loft. Mulla on päässä kuvia, jossa mä asun jossain näistä. Tokihan luultavinta on että lopulta otan sen helpoimman, perus suoraa paketista tontille jysäytettävän puutalon tai vastaavan. Tykkään vaan taloista joilla on historia. Rakastan jännittäviä pohjapiirroksia, en tykkää jos kaikki on arvattavissaolevaa. Edes talossa. Mut eniten odotan, mihin ikinä päädynkään asumaan, sitä sisustamista! Haluun täyttää huoneet mun mielestä kivoilla jutuilla ja tehdä kerranki jutut just niinku mä haluan, toki siihen on vielä matkaa.
3.Rantakunto. En tiiä tarviiks tää sen enempää selityksiä. Jokanen kai on vähän pinnallinen. Ku vielä löytäis oikeen kunnon motivaation tässä pimeydessä, ku kaikki vaan väsyttää ja tekis mieli vaan syödä.
4. Mahtavat valmistujaiset. Tää on näistä ehkä ekana tapahtuva jos toi motivaatio kuntoiluun ei herää ensi vuonnakaan. Niin hassulta ku se ehkä kuullostaakin, valmistunhan vasta heinäkuussa, niin mulla on vaikka mitä suunnitelmia jo tehtynä valmistujaispäiväksi. Sitä meinaa ollaan odotettu ja sen eteen on tehty töitä. Kaikki muut virstanpylväät, niinku ripari ja kaheksantoistavuotisjuhlat ei oikeestaan oo tarvinu mun panosta ollenkaa. Ne on vaa tullu. Valmistumisen eteen sen sijaan oon kirjaimellisesti vuodattanu kyyneleitä, verta ja hikeä, joten sitä sietää juhlia. Toivottavasti vaan saan kaiken haluamani tehtyä ja oikeasti valmistuttuakin.
Ja nää collagepaidat, koska jokanen postaus tarvii joulutuulahduksen. Tosin nää ei kyllä mun jouluilmastossa hirveen tarpeeseen tulis.
Ja näistä mulle tuli yhtäkkia kauhea himo tuunailla collaripaitoja. Ehkä näist sais jotain ideaa.
1. Ulkomailla asuminen. Oon pitkään halunnu kokea asumisen jossain toisessa maassa. Piti lähteä vaihtoon, se olis ollu yks, en lähteny. Seuraavana suunnitelmana on opiskelut mahdollisesti Skotlannissa. Ehkä silloin siis. Tai sitten myöhemmin. Tai opiskelujen ohella Suomesta. Tää on haave jonka oon jättäny aika kohtalonkaupaksi, vaikka toki tavoittelenkin pisteitä joilla mahdollisuus Skotlantiin irtoais!
2. Pitsihuvila tai kattohuoneisto tai loft. Mulla on päässä kuvia, jossa mä asun jossain näistä. Tokihan luultavinta on että lopulta otan sen helpoimman, perus suoraa paketista tontille jysäytettävän puutalon tai vastaavan. Tykkään vaan taloista joilla on historia. Rakastan jännittäviä pohjapiirroksia, en tykkää jos kaikki on arvattavissaolevaa. Edes talossa. Mut eniten odotan, mihin ikinä päädynkään asumaan, sitä sisustamista! Haluun täyttää huoneet mun mielestä kivoilla jutuilla ja tehdä kerranki jutut just niinku mä haluan, toki siihen on vielä matkaa.
3.Rantakunto. En tiiä tarviiks tää sen enempää selityksiä. Jokanen kai on vähän pinnallinen. Ku vielä löytäis oikeen kunnon motivaation tässä pimeydessä, ku kaikki vaan väsyttää ja tekis mieli vaan syödä.
4. Mahtavat valmistujaiset. Tää on näistä ehkä ekana tapahtuva jos toi motivaatio kuntoiluun ei herää ensi vuonnakaan. Niin hassulta ku se ehkä kuullostaakin, valmistunhan vasta heinäkuussa, niin mulla on vaikka mitä suunnitelmia jo tehtynä valmistujaispäiväksi. Sitä meinaa ollaan odotettu ja sen eteen on tehty töitä. Kaikki muut virstanpylväät, niinku ripari ja kaheksantoistavuotisjuhlat ei oikeestaan oo tarvinu mun panosta ollenkaa. Ne on vaa tullu. Valmistumisen eteen sen sijaan oon kirjaimellisesti vuodattanu kyyneleitä, verta ja hikeä, joten sitä sietää juhlia. Toivottavasti vaan saan kaiken haluamani tehtyä ja oikeasti valmistuttuakin.
Ja nää collagepaidat, koska jokanen postaus tarvii joulutuulahduksen. Tosin nää ei kyllä mun jouluilmastossa hirveen tarpeeseen tulis.
Ja näistä mulle tuli yhtäkkia kauhea himo tuunailla collaripaitoja. Ehkä näist sais jotain ideaa.
December 15, 2013
5+1 songs
1. Paramore- The Only Exception
First time I ever heard this song I started to cry. The message and tale behind the lyrics were so similar to my live and experiences and I can never get over the feeling of it.
3. City and Colour- Sleeping Sickness
4. Glee Cast- O Holy Night (and other Glee Christmas songs)
5. Pariisin Kevät- Pikku Huopalahti
5. Sanni- Luodinkestävää
(+Imagine Dragons- On Top of The World
3. City and Colour- Sleeping Sickness
The first song my boyfriend ever recommended to me. Even though it is not a romantic song at all it reminds me of him everytime. I think he was the one that saved me, because did sometimes feel like I was going to break down because my dreams seemed like nothing they were meant to be.
4. Glee Cast- O Holy Night (and other Glee Christmas songs)
I'm not a kind of person who celebrates Chritmas because of religious reasons, but I looooove the mood of this song. Even more importantly I love to sing along this song.
5. Pariisin Kevät- Pikku Huopalahti
Always reminds me the best summer of my life
5. Sanni- Luodinkestävää
Just like The Only Exception, for some reason the lyrics of this song spoke to me. In addition, as weird it is, I really find myself liking Sanni. (sorry, there wasn't better clip in Youtube)
(+Imagine Dragons- On Top of The World
I hope this song will later on become very important to me)
December 14, 2013
6 items
Some of these items are especially relevant to the time of the year right now. Some are relevant to any time of the year. Of course in addition to these the most important stuff I always have with me is the normal: wallet, keys and phone, but I guess the meaning of those is pretty much the same for everyone, so I won't go more in detail to those.
But in addition I really treasure these following items:
1. The calendar. I would be completely lost without my daily calendar. It basically has my life in it. Few weeks ago I somehow managed to loose mine (probably left it to Oulu), and it could have devoloped to something horrible, as I wasn't sure when I was to go to school and when not and "what the heck did I have for homework?" happened couple of times, which is never good in IB, as your homework sometimes might be affecting your final grade. And I truly have the worst memory.
2. A pillow. Oh yes, I love to sleep. I rediscovered my love for my pillow last weekend, when for the first time in three to four weeks (or months) I actually had time to sleep! I also always bring my pillow with me if I have room in my suitcase, because I believe that good pillow is a start for good night's sleep. Of course this applies only when I'm sleeping on a school floor or something similar. In hotels they have excellent pillows!
3. My camera is my honey. I wish I could give it more effection though. Maybe soon in the sun.
4. Tossu. My most loved teddy bear is called Tossu (meaning: slipper). I haven't got it since I was little little girl because like most people have had their favorite stuffed animals, well... That's too mainstream. I got my favorite teddybear when I was already in school, maybe at age of 8 or something. Just wished for a teddy and got one, and I looooove it.
5. A spoon. I have random spoons everywhere. My jacket's pockets, my backpack, my gym bag, my pencil case and so on. I'm huge fan of spoon food as a snack so it happens that I always take a new one, and as I am always on the move they appear is strange places.
6. Woolen socks. I usually start wearing woolen socks in early autumn and stop wearing them in late spring, as my toes are always cold. They are just too comfortable to miss, and warm.
But in addition I really treasure these following items:
1. The calendar. I would be completely lost without my daily calendar. It basically has my life in it. Few weeks ago I somehow managed to loose mine (probably left it to Oulu), and it could have devoloped to something horrible, as I wasn't sure when I was to go to school and when not and "what the heck did I have for homework?" happened couple of times, which is never good in IB, as your homework sometimes might be affecting your final grade. And I truly have the worst memory.
2. A pillow. Oh yes, I love to sleep. I rediscovered my love for my pillow last weekend, when for the first time in three to four weeks (or months) I actually had time to sleep! I also always bring my pillow with me if I have room in my suitcase, because I believe that good pillow is a start for good night's sleep. Of course this applies only when I'm sleeping on a school floor or something similar. In hotels they have excellent pillows!
3. My camera is my honey. I wish I could give it more effection though. Maybe soon in the sun.
4. Tossu. My most loved teddy bear is called Tossu (meaning: slipper). I haven't got it since I was little little girl because like most people have had their favorite stuffed animals, well... That's too mainstream. I got my favorite teddybear when I was already in school, maybe at age of 8 or something. Just wished for a teddy and got one, and I looooove it.
5. A spoon. I have random spoons everywhere. My jacket's pockets, my backpack, my gym bag, my pencil case and so on. I'm huge fan of spoon food as a snack so it happens that I always take a new one, and as I am always on the move they appear is strange places.
6. Woolen socks. I usually start wearing woolen socks in early autumn and stop wearing them in late spring, as my toes are always cold. They are just too comfortable to miss, and warm.
December 9, 2013
7 moments I would love to relive
Sometimes I really hope that I would not be a kind of person who looks back and says "I wish I had..." but unfortunely I am. These moments which I will be listing now, however, are not those things (more than partly) which I would like to change.
1. Trip to London with my class. Especially the moments in the evening when we hanged together and the free time around the city. Anytime.
I might look horrible in the pictures, but I for sure had the time of my life!
2. A christmas when I was a little girl. I'm not much of a Christmas person, but that might be due to the stress I nowadays have about the holiday. I used to really like Christmases as all children, much because I got a lot of presents. (Btw, this is the first, and maybe the last, post this year really having Christmas stuff in it!)
That's me and my hair
3. Prometheus-camp nights (and nights after it with the same people). I still think that the best week of my life was my Prometheus camp. I grew in one week so much and had sooooo much silly fun time. But above all those I really enjoyed the bright summer nights and the discussions we had as a group in there. For long time after the camp the people in there were like my second family. I can still picture the first time I saw live bats, how the water felt like in the night and how good it felt to be hugged by all of them.
4. IB Baptism and the afterparty. Simply had the time of my life, in many respects. Although I never would have pictured myself dressing up as turkey and doing all that embrassing stuff on the market square of my town.
(There's no picture in here because the pics from the Baptism are non blog-material)
5. First kiss with anyone I have kissed (of course taken that the situation in other respects would be the same as well). I think it is the most exciting feeling in the whole world to kiss a person for the first time. Especially because I haven't ever kissed, not even a single time, a person I would not have cared/loved, which makes me regret non of them. And the moments worth living again.
6. My time in Ohio. My first experience on Americans was
so welcoming and warm that I would give a lot to experience that
again. Generosity and kindness of people in Ohio really surprised me in
good way! I still miss my American sister from there!
7. Quiet moments with Keikki. Oh how much I would love to relive those times. As silly as it might seem, especially when I'm really angry at the world, sad or just generally pissed, I wish she would be there to let me be in that way, without no questions, without getting angry at me being angry. Just being there so that I could be quiet and not alone at the same time. Because sometimes the harderst thing to do is to keep smiling and talking to people, when you really do not want to.
December 2, 2013
8 loves
Finally got time to sit down and finish this post. Have been writing this throughout the last two weeks. This mainly due to my lack of time which results me coming home late and having something else to do or no time at all. And because of the lovely winter of Finland I obviously go to school when it is dark and come back again when it is dark, which means I never get to take pictures in daylight and simply do not have time to fix a place to take photos in poor light, resulting this post without pictures.
Also, I must say it was soooo hard coming up with these for some reason. Mainly because I already have this.
1. Flowers. I'm total flower girl. I love flowers in real, in picture and in prints and those prints on clothes, walls, boxes, curtains. I love to draw flowers and I love to see them in the spring. Generally flowers just make me happy.
2. Museums. I think my love for museums comes from my grandpa. When I was in primary school (and maybe even before that), one of the best things to do with my grandparents was to got to a museum. I love both art and history museums. There is some kind of mystery to both of them. What has inspired the artist to do what they have created, or what was going on in the minds of people living in the time I now see in pictures and artifacts?
3. DIY's. Although I am in very academic IB, I love to do things with my hands also, and not always only focus things with my brain. I'm really bad in some of the crafts, like knitting. But I love to create something new from something old and do present by hand, since it will tell the receiver that I was really thinking him/her. at the moment I have few things in my mind I would love to execute if I have time. Would love to make some changes of dress of mine before Christmas holidays.
4. Brown leather. I was going to post some pictures of few new things I have found during this autumn and which all had something common. All of them were from brown leather. Then I bought black leather boots, so that's that. Any way, I just love brown leather more than other materials in shoes and other easily wearing items, such as wallets and so on.
5. EYP (European Youth Parliament). As I was a journalist in the first northern Finland session, and organiser in my own town and just got home last weekend from the annual party AND will have EYP-cafe coming up soon, EYP obviously is on the top of my head. But it doesn't mean its not anyways. I think it might be one of the greatest addictions I have and unfortunately I have to put myself into rehab... After one EYP cafe, and couple of meetings. Okay not soon yet, but anyway.
6. Fantasy books and fairytales have been one of my loves since primary school. Pretty much since I could read. Something about fairytales, fantasy and mystics fascinates me and keeps me reading. That's my I'm complete Harry Potter fan, have had great hours with Christipher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle, never say no to watching The Lord of the Rings and enjoy getting wrapped up in Alice in Wonderland.
7. Late nights and long mornings. I hate to go to sleep, but when I finally do (preferably as late as I can) I hate to wake up.
8.Watching tv-shows season after season. I'm a mass consumer of TV-series and I follow more than 10 different series at the moment and on top of that I have seen at least 4 series from beginning to their end. My newest addiction is Downton Abbey which I started yesterday and now have watched 4 episodes.
I'm trying to get this done before Christmas, so that I can post from my holiday ;)
Also, I must say it was soooo hard coming up with these for some reason. Mainly because I already have this.
1. Flowers. I'm total flower girl. I love flowers in real, in picture and in prints and those prints on clothes, walls, boxes, curtains. I love to draw flowers and I love to see them in the spring. Generally flowers just make me happy.
2. Museums. I think my love for museums comes from my grandpa. When I was in primary school (and maybe even before that), one of the best things to do with my grandparents was to got to a museum. I love both art and history museums. There is some kind of mystery to both of them. What has inspired the artist to do what they have created, or what was going on in the minds of people living in the time I now see in pictures and artifacts?
3. DIY's. Although I am in very academic IB, I love to do things with my hands also, and not always only focus things with my brain. I'm really bad in some of the crafts, like knitting. But I love to create something new from something old and do present by hand, since it will tell the receiver that I was really thinking him/her. at the moment I have few things in my mind I would love to execute if I have time. Would love to make some changes of dress of mine before Christmas holidays.
4. Brown leather. I was going to post some pictures of few new things I have found during this autumn and which all had something common. All of them were from brown leather. Then I bought black leather boots, so that's that. Any way, I just love brown leather more than other materials in shoes and other easily wearing items, such as wallets and so on.
5. EYP (European Youth Parliament). As I was a journalist in the first northern Finland session, and organiser in my own town and just got home last weekend from the annual party AND will have EYP-cafe coming up soon, EYP obviously is on the top of my head. But it doesn't mean its not anyways. I think it might be one of the greatest addictions I have and unfortunately I have to put myself into rehab... After one EYP cafe, and couple of meetings. Okay not soon yet, but anyway.
6. Fantasy books and fairytales have been one of my loves since primary school. Pretty much since I could read. Something about fairytales, fantasy and mystics fascinates me and keeps me reading. That's my I'm complete Harry Potter fan, have had great hours with Christipher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle, never say no to watching The Lord of the Rings and enjoy getting wrapped up in Alice in Wonderland.
7. Late nights and long mornings. I hate to go to sleep, but when I finally do (preferably as late as I can) I hate to wake up.
8.Watching tv-shows season after season. I'm a mass consumer of TV-series and I follow more than 10 different series at the moment and on top of that I have seen at least 4 series from beginning to their end. My newest addiction is Downton Abbey which I started yesterday and now have watched 4 episodes.
I'm trying to get this done before Christmas, so that I can post from my holiday ;)
November 11, 2013
9 things I hate
I could start and end this post by only stating all the subjects I'm having exam this week and other school related stress I have right now, which I hate. But because I know that nobody likes gramming (well at least no one sane from majority of people), I don't want to bore you with it. Instead I'm going to complaing all the other things I right now and always hate.
1. The fact that I have no technical skills at all. Or more like I don't have the nerves to learn technical things. I prefer just somebody else doing them for me. Everything I can do with my computer (or any other technical device for that matter) is that I can open some simple programs and use them to the simple extent. My photoediting is at its babysteps for this same reason, I'm just too lazy to learn it. I just prefer doing taking good pictures so that I don't have to edit. Or painting and drawing by hand instead of using computer programs. That is why I used to do all my blog headings by hand from the very beginning. This is also the reason why my blog is not as pretty as it could be, I just hate HTML-codes, hate them.
2. Pickels. (I have no idea how this got lost at first). I hate everything that has been canned, with vinegar mostly. Vinegar makes me sick from my stomach. And I just can't stand the fact that our school puts pickles in the freaking fresh salad! It is like mixing ice-cream, mämmi and onions, just gross.
2. Pickels. (I have no idea how this got lost at first). I hate everything that has been canned, with vinegar mostly. Vinegar makes me sick from my stomach. And I just can't stand the fact that our school puts pickles in the freaking fresh salad! It is like mixing ice-cream, mämmi and onions, just gross.
3. That people wear leggings without pants or long (actually ass-covering) shirt, skirt or a dress.
I think I don't have to explain this any further...
4. People that do not have any opinions. It is a serious drag to try and have nice conversation with person who always answers "I don't know". Fundamental lack of opinions just makes me hate people, because it makes me think that they are actually so lazy that they don't even think. And the most annoying people are those who do not think.
5. People who do not follow the rules. As said before. I don't mean rules such as stupid junior high rules "you have to go out even when it is -30 degrees celcius", but kind of that people have agreed to do something together and then people do not go as planned.
"who cares" attitude really annoys me.
6. Horror movies. Yep. I'm sissy, but one was enough to make me hate them. The Strangers kept me up 2 nights in row. Never again. Not even oes that have supernatural things. If it says horror, it is not for me.
7. The sound of the Storage Wars actioneer when he is taking the bids/auctioning. I just have to turn my television mute everytime he opens is mouth. Otherwise I sometimes watch the show in my boredom while waiting something else to start or while I'm being bored to death when I'm sick.
8. Distance between me and my best friend. I was going to put her in some other part of this challenge because this is the darkest part of it, but decided that this is worth of mentioning because I hate it so much. It is the thing that makes me feel most alone sometimes. I just wish she could be there when I really do not want to talk to anyone, because in the whole world she understands it somehow the best. I also would love to be there for her bad days. As I am really bad in texting and chatting, I sometimes wonder whether she knows how much I love her with all my heart. And I hate that feeling too.
8. Distance between me and my best friend. I was going to put her in some other part of this challenge because this is the darkest part of it, but decided that this is worth of mentioning because I hate it so much. It is the thing that makes me feel most alone sometimes. I just wish she could be there when I really do not want to talk to anyone, because in the whole world she understands it somehow the best. I also would love to be there for her bad days. As I am really bad in texting and chatting, I sometimes wonder whether she knows how much I love her with all my heart. And I hate that feeling too.
9. Books where in the end the protagonist dies or which end unhappily. I know that some books need this to make it good, but I just don't like ending book feeling sad. That is why David Nicholls's One Day is still on my sad book -list and I'm not sure if I like it. I guess I have hate/love affair with these kind of books.
© Susa
(good example of technically lazy me, all done my marker and hand)
(good example of technically lazy me, all done my marker and hand)
November 7, 2013
10 things about me
I know I said earlier that these things would be random. The reason for that is that all these things will be selected with no clear vision.
Jotkut valitsemistani jutuista on varastettu kaver(e)ilta suoraan! :)
On äärettömän vaikeeta kuvailla omaa luonnettaan, joten valitsen tähän lähinnä asioita joita oon muilta kuullu. Ensinnäkin, osaan pitää äärettömän hyvin puoleni ja harvoin annan kenenkään astella mun yli. Siitä usein koituu jotain minkä muut kokee suunsoittona. Vihaan kun ihmiset ei pelaa yhteisten sääntöjen mukaan tai kun ne käyttäytyy muuten aivottomasti. Mutisen ja ulisen kaikesta mikä mua ärsyttää, kaikille jotka sattuvat kuuntelemaan, mutta samalla osaan kyllä kuunnella mitä muillakin on sydämellään. Rakastan olla ihmisten kanssa, oon laumaeläin, kuolen suruun jos oon yksin liian kauan, varmaan. Yksin kyllä tykkään olla myös. Joskus vaa tarvii olla kaikkien ulottumattomissa tahallaan (tai vahingossa...).
Oon vuorotellen pessimisti ja optimisti. Harvemmin turhan realisti, paitsi omasta mielestäni tietenkin! Ja on mussa hyviäkin puolia, oon suht taiteellinen/luova, uskollinen kaveri ja nauran tosi paljon ja äänekkäästi! Oon myös uskomaton kaikkeen tarttuva ihminen, mistään hauskasta en haluais jäädä paitsi, paitsi sillo ku maailma tuntuu näyttävän pyllyä. Sillon hautaudun sänkyyn. Mut muuten oon aina kun kutsutaan bileissä, auttamattoman koukussa EYPhen (European Youth Parliament), menin taas kerran koulun lehteen päätoimittajana, seurustelen ja tän lisäks käyn koulua ja nukun kun ehin...
It is super hard to try and explain your own personality, so I decided to tell about my personality based on how others have said I am as a person. First of all I'm amazingly good at defend myself and things I love/care about. It sometimes may appear slightly too much. I hate when people do not play by the rules and other people can and will hear that from me, if it happens! Even though I often speak my mind very throughfully, I'm also a good listener. I cannot be alone for long times, I need people around me. And still sometimes I do on purpose (or by accident) shut myself from rest of the world.
I'm at the same time optimistic and pessimistic. Not too often a realistic, except in my own mind at the moment of doing things. There are also good things about me apparently. I'm sort of artictic/creative, very loyal friend. And I'm super into almost everything that comes in my way. I'm part of my school's student council, editor of the school magazine this year, I'm always up for EYP-stuff (as I am in the regional board of Turku) and in top of this I hang out/party with my friends, have a boyfriend, sometimes even go for a jog or gym and of course find time to sleep and do some school stuff.
It is super hard to try and explain your own personality, so I decided to tell about my personality based on how others have said I am as a person. First of all I'm amazingly good at defend myself and things I love/care about. It sometimes may appear slightly too much. I hate when people do not play by the rules and other people can and will hear that from me, if it happens! Even though I often speak my mind very throughfully, I'm also a good listener. I cannot be alone for long times, I need people around me. And still sometimes I do on purpose (or by accident) shut myself from rest of the world.
I'm at the same time optimistic and pessimistic. Not too often a realistic, except in my own mind at the moment of doing things. There are also good things about me apparently. I'm sort of artictic/creative, very loyal friend. And I'm super into almost everything that comes in my way. I'm part of my school's student council, editor of the school magazine this year, I'm always up for EYP-stuff (as I am in the regional board of Turku) and in top of this I hang out/party with my friends, have a boyfriend, sometimes even go for a jog or gym and of course find time to sleep and do some school stuff.
Lausahdus "Sä näytät ihan äidiltäs" on varmaan se jonka kuulen jokaselta ihmiseltä kun ne tapaa mun äidin ensimmäistä kertaa, tai kun äidin tuttu tapaa mut ensimmäistä kertaa. Joka kerta vastaan siihen että "hassua, kukaan muu ei oo huomannu". Mutta joo, oon siis mini-äitini. Mut on tunnistettu myös siitä että kävelen kuin äitini. Eipä sillä, mun äiti on (sen lisäks et se on maailman ihanin) myös kaunis, ja ainakin tiiän miltä näytän 40+! Tähän ei edes kuvaa tarvita
Everytime I meet a new friend of my mom or someone meets my mom I hear the words "you look so much like your mom!". So yeah, I'm like miniature version of my mom. We even wear same kind of clothing sometimes accidently. Of course that is because she thinks I wear awesome things... But the upside of all this is that I know how I will look when I'm 40+ years old and it is not bad!
Everytime I meet a new friend of my mom or someone meets my mom I hear the words "you look so much like your mom!". So yeah, I'm like miniature version of my mom. We even wear same kind of clothing sometimes accidently. Of course that is because she thinks I wear awesome things... But the upside of all this is that I know how I will look when I'm 40+ years old and it is not bad!
Vihaan määritellä omaa tyyliäni, koska en tunnu kuuluvan oikeen minkäänlaiseen tyyliin ja tykkään vaihdella tyyliä aika usein. Eniten ärsyttää että jos määrittelee tyylinsä, on poikkeavuus siitä jotenki väärin, ja no, mä poikkean omastani usein. Joskus päälle vetäsen pipon ja hupparin, toisinaan korkkarit ja hameen. Enemmän ehkä liikun noiden kahden välissä. Lempparijuttuja vetää päälle tällee syksyllä on paksut sukkahousut, ruskeat nauhasaappaat ja jonkun mekon. Yhteen pipooni olen myös uskomattoman rakastunut ja samanlaisia nyt kuolaan lisää.
I hate to define my style. After that it would be wrong to break it, and I love to break my style sometimes and go little "anti-Susanna". Sometimes I leave the house in jeans, hoodie and beanie, sometimes I go all dressed-up with heels, skirt and make-up. But most often it is something in between these two. My favorite things in the autumn are thick tights, dressed and brown leather boots.
I hate to define my style. After that it would be wrong to break it, and I love to break my style sometimes and go little "anti-Susanna". Sometimes I leave the house in jeans, hoodie and beanie, sometimes I go all dressed-up with heels, skirt and make-up. But most often it is something in between these two. My favorite things in the autumn are thick tights, dressed and brown leather boots.
Oon ollu kasvissyöjä ysiluokasta asti, eli nyt kolme vuotta ja risat vissiin. Juttu oli käyny pari kertaa mun mielessä yläasteellä, mut varmistus siihen että pärjäisin "pelkillä rehuilla ja pavuilla" tuli mun protu-leirillä, jolla ei syöty lihaa. Mulla on esitelmä ja puol tusinaa pääargumenttia sille miks olen kasvissyöjä. Ennen se oli jtn mistä saarnasin kaikille, nykyään otan lungimmin. Jos joku kysyy kerron, jos joku vittuilee vittuilen takasin. Kasvissyönti on jtn mistä en osais varmaan enää oikeen luopua. En oo hetkeäkään ihan alun jälkeen katunut. Ainakin mulla on aina yks asia vähemmän josta tunnen huonoa omaatuntoa.
I have been vegetarian for three years now (yei me!). It all began on the camp called Prometheus, where we only ate vegetarian food, and as I was already sort of disgusted by meat it was the perfect start for lifestyle change! I have about dozen main arguments why I am a vegetarian, but I'm not going to elaborate them now in here. I will tell if someone asks, but I'm over preaching about it to people. I can just say that I haven't regretted becoming a vegetarian for a single moment after.
I have been vegetarian for three years now (yei me!). It all began on the camp called Prometheus, where we only ate vegetarian food, and as I was already sort of disgusted by meat it was the perfect start for lifestyle change! I have about dozen main arguments why I am a vegetarian, but I'm not going to elaborate them now in here. I will tell if someone asks, but I'm over preaching about it to people. I can just say that I haven't regretted becoming a vegetarian for a single moment after.
Vielä yläasteelle asti mä listasin aina ihan hirveesti mitä harrastan. Kaks niistä tais kuitenkin olla sellasia joiden takia raahauduin jonnekin erityiseen paikkaan. Lentopallo ja pianonsoitto. Ensimmäisenä mainittua ikävöin (ja en ikävöi).
Jouduin lopettamaan monesta syystä seittemän vuoden harjottelun jälkeen. Ensinnäkään mulla ei ollu motivaatiota samanlaiseen kilpailuhenkeen joka muulla joukkueella ja valmentajalla oli. En oo koskaan ollu tippaakaan kilpailuhenkinen (ellei oteta huomioon jotain sisaruskilpailua). Toisekseen lentopallossa, erityisesti passarina kun olin, rasittuu nivelet. No siinä vaiheessa ku joka toiset viikot istuttiin kentän laidalla koska nivelet paukku ja äiti epäili reumaa, päätin et ehkä mun fysiikka ei lentopalloa kestä.
Pianoa mä halusin oppia soittamaan jostain ykkösluokkalaisesta lähtien. Iskä sitten kilttinä soitteli ja jonotti pari tuntia että pääsisin pianotunneille kansalaisopistoon. No ensimmäinen opettaja oli sitten virolaissyntyinen, jonka puheesta pikku-Susanna ei saanut juurikaan selvää ja joka pakotti soittamaan tosi nopeasti hirvittävän vaikeita kappaleita. "Susanna on ihan lahjakkuus". No joo, opettelin kaikki kappaleet ulkoa korvalla, ja vähän otin referenssiä nuoteista. Nykyään kun kattelen niitä, ihmettelen että miten kummassa mä niitä soitin kun nyt just ja just saan vaikeista kuvioista selvää. Tätä onnettomuutta ei sitten saanu kaks seuraavaa opettajaakaan korjattua ja pianonsoittokin jäi sitten ala-aste ajoille.
Kun kaikki harrastukset vähän niinku katos ja kaveritkin vaihtu siinä yläasteella, olin aika yksin. No sillon keksittiin että hankitaan mulla harrastuskaveri! Koira! Ajatus oli musta ihan mahtava. Agilityssä ja koiran kasvattamisessa oli jotain hirveen mielenkiintosta ja kyllähän sitä Ineksen kanssa onkin puuhailtu jos jonkin näköstä halikoiraiua, agilityä, perustottelevaisuutta, koiratanssia. Harmikseni ne kaikki on nyt myös hautautunut opiskelun alle. Ehkä vielä joskus...
Piirtäminen ja maalaaminen on ehkä ainoita asioita, joita oon aina tehny ja pitäny harrastuksinani. Nykyään ne on jäänyt vähän taustalle kaiken muun homman alla. IB-lukion jälkeinen yhteishaun valinta oli lukio jossa kuvataide-valikoima oli paras. Joten vaihtoehdot mulla oli tosi musta ja valkoinen. Jos en olis päässyt IBlle puristamaan ittestäni kaikkea akateemisuutta, oisin kuitannu taiteella kaikki kurssini pois.
Nykyään harrastan sitten vaan lenkkeilyä ja salille raahautumista, valokuvausta ja kuvataiteita ja askartelua (kauniimmin sanottuna DIY-juttuja).
Oops, that was long in Finnish. So long that I do not have power to translate it all.
I used to play volleyball and piano, but I had to quit both. First because I had bad joints and second because I had a bad teacher and no talent at all. I'm really sad about both. Maybe more about the volleyball, since my team had become very close to me in the 6-7 years I played.
After quiting them and having really bad time at school (all my old friends sort of dumped me god knows why) my mom and I had a great idea. Let's have a dog to be Susanna's hobby. So we got a Lagotto Romagnolo called Ines. With Ines I have trained agility, dog dancing and been a hug dog (yes, all of those are real things). Unfortunately all of that has somehow gotten burried under all my school work.
So nowadays my only hobbies are those which are not something I have to leave my house to do, and those which have sticked with me since I can remember. Drawing, painting, writing and other creative stuff with my hands (DIY's for example). And yeah, sometimes I get my arse up and away from my workdesk and go for a jog or get myself into gym.
Oops, that was long in Finnish. So long that I do not have power to translate it all.
I used to play volleyball and piano, but I had to quit both. First because I had bad joints and second because I had a bad teacher and no talent at all. I'm really sad about both. Maybe more about the volleyball, since my team had become very close to me in the 6-7 years I played.
After quiting them and having really bad time at school (all my old friends sort of dumped me god knows why) my mom and I had a great idea. Let's have a dog to be Susanna's hobby. So we got a Lagotto Romagnolo called Ines. With Ines I have trained agility, dog dancing and been a hug dog (yes, all of those are real things). Unfortunately all of that has somehow gotten burried under all my school work.
So nowadays my only hobbies are those which are not something I have to leave my house to do, and those which have sticked with me since I can remember. Drawing, painting, writing and other creative stuff with my hands (DIY's for example). And yeah, sometimes I get my arse up and away from my workdesk and go for a jog or get myself into gym.
Juu se on Ines siellä takana röhnöttämässä// Yeah, it is Ines behind me
Kuten tässä nyt on tullut mainittuakin. Olen siis IB-lukiossa.Valitsin kyseisen systeemin siksi että mua ei sitten ollenkaan kiinnostanut lukea sellasia määriä aineita, joista tiesin etten tykkää, kun normilukiossa olisi tarvinnut. Mulle oli selkeetä mistä jutuista tykkään ja mistä en. Selkeä EI on muun muassa kemia, fysiikka ja matikka. KYLLÄ -listalle sen sijaan nykyään kuuluu muunmuassa psykologiaa, kieliä, äidinkieltä ja bilsaa (no jälkimmäinen oli pakko ottaa), ennen opiskelin myös historiaa jonka jouduin lopettamaan ylimääräisten aineiden takia, sekä siksi etten opettajan tyylistä opettaa tajunnut sitten en mitään.
As I have mentioned like hundred times, school takes a lot of my time. That is because I'm an IBer (International Baccalaureate). I chose it because of the subject selection. I knew I wanted to study languages, psychology, history (which I had to quit because a horrible teacher.......) and nothing else. I sort of had to take biology and short short math as well, but for the sake of not having to study chemistry or physics, anything.
As I have mentioned like hundred times, school takes a lot of my time. That is because I'm an IBer (International Baccalaureate). I chose it because of the subject selection. I knew I wanted to study languages, psychology, history (which I had to quit because a horrible teacher.......) and nothing else. I sort of had to take biology and short short math as well, but for the sake of not having to study chemistry or physics, anything.
Suosikkikirjani ♥, not. // Definitely not my favourite book, unfortunately
Tulevaisuus on mulle yks mytty. Siinä mytyssä on selkeitä asioita joita nään et tulen tekemään ja sitten niitä jotka on siellä kaiken alla ja riippuvat siitä mitä otan päältä pois (olipas kömpelö kielikuva). Selkeinä asioita on muunmuassa välivuoden pitäminen. Mun pää luultavasti hajoais jos jatkaisin samaa tahtia suoraa yliopistoon. Välivuonna varmaan työskentelen ja ehkä opiskelen jotain siinä sivussa vähäsen. Välivuoden takana häämöttää toivottavasti psykologian tai journalistiikan opiskelut, Suomessa tai Skotlannissa. Riippuen siitä mihin rahkeet riittää. OKL ei oo myöskään ollu koskaan poissa mun listalta. Oon monesti miettinyt opettajan uraa ja tarkemmin ja tosissani joskus jopa kuviksen opettajan uraa.
Ihan siellä mytyn sisuksissa luultavasti elää tulevaisuus jossa hankin oman talon, lapsia ja sellasta. Missä, kenen kanssa ja millon on vaan kysymys jota en tässä kohtaa osaa tai uskalla kai ajatella.
In the future I see some fuzzy stuff and some clear stuff. Clear stuff are for example a skip year, which I totally need. My head would drop if I would have to go from school to school right away. My skip year I'm going to spend working (hopefully) to earn some money. After that come the fuzzy part, full of choices.
On my list are Finnish Universities which teach psychology or teaching or journalism and Scottish Unis which teach psychology. Everything else is even more fuzzier. Sometime in the future I want to have the cliche; home, husband and kids.
Tää on ehkä vähän hassu tänne väliin. Obviously oon kuitenkin suomalainen (sanoo hän aloittaen englannin kiellellä). Halusin kuitenkin ottaa tän tähän koska oon aina ollu vähän niin ja näin tunnenko erityisesti olevani suomalainen, siis erityisestierityisesti. En syö makkaraa, en sauno, vihaan hiihtoa, luistelua, jääkiekkoa ja puolukoita. No joo, stereotypisia juttuja.
Juttu on kuitenkin se että oon huomannu olevani suomalainen kun puhun ulkomaalaisten kanssa. Mä en halaa sua kun nähdään toisen kerran, en osaa alottaa small talkia ja "joo Koskenkorva on suomesta". Oon kai vähän kade niille jotka tuntee hirveetä ylpeittä siitä kun Suomi voittaa lätkässä, ku mua ei oikeestaan ees hirveesti kiinnostanu.
This might seem I bit funny in the middle of here. I'm obviously Finnish I guess. But sometimes I do not feel especially Finnish. I do not eat sausages, I do not go to sauna, I hate wintersports (all equally) and I hate lingonberries. So I could say I might not be a stereotypical Finnish.
But I am Finnish. I do feel awkward hugging people sometimes, I'm really bad at small talk and I will say that I like Koskenkorva (but just with A LOT of coke). But I do still not care whether or not Finland wins in icehockey.
This might seem I bit funny in the middle of here. I'm obviously Finnish I guess. But sometimes I do not feel especially Finnish. I do not eat sausages, I do not go to sauna, I hate wintersports (all equally) and I hate lingonberries. So I could say I might not be a stereotypical Finnish.
But I am Finnish. I do feel awkward hugging people sometimes, I'm really bad at small talk and I will say that I like Koskenkorva (but just with A LOT of coke). But I do still not care whether or not Finland wins in icehockey.
Lempimuki 100% suomalaista osaamista. Ja lippu muuten on vaan kuvausrekvisiittaa (EuroVillage kamaa from Helsinki-Vantaa)
Sanon aina et mun musamaku on tosi laaja. Bullshit. Oikeestaan kuuntelen nykyään lähinnä poppia ja jtn poppirokkia. On mulla ollu kunnon emoörinä-musavaiheetkin ja on niitä joskus kiva fiilistellä, mut kaikki hiukankaan liian hipster, heavy, true-rock tai klassillinen ei jaksa kiinnostaa mun korvia. Ultimate favorittina kuitenkin säilyy aina vaan Paramore. On aina biisi angstiin ja iloon.
Tän hetkiset musat joita renkutan Spotifystä omilta listoistani koostuu seuraavasti tylsän pitkästä listasta, osittain punastuttavasta: Paramore, Now Now, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, The Script, Muse, Linkin Park, Lady Gaga, The Scandinavian Music Group, Green Day, 30 Second to Mars, Sanni, Death Cad for Cutie, Katy Perry, PMMP, Paper Route, Skrillex, Adele, Taylor Swift, This Providence, Pariisin Kevät, Haloo Helsinki!, Mumford & Sons, The All-American Rejects, MS MR, Owl City, Lana Del Ray...
I always say that my musical taste is wide. It's a pile of bullshit. I usually only listen to pop, rock or pop-rock. Nothing too difficult, although I have had my emo-rock times also. Everything too heavy, real-rock, hipster or classic is way over me. My all time favorite remains Paramore, which tells a lot.
Right now my Spotify playlists are full of the following list: Paramore, Now Now, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, The Script, Muse, Linkin Park, Lady Gaga, The Scandinavian Music Group (Finnish), Green Day, 30 Second to Mars, Sanni (F), Death Cad for Cutie, Katy Perry, PMMP (F), Paper Route, Skrillex, Adele, Taylor Swift, This Providence, Pariisin Kevät (F), Haloo Helsinki! (F), Mumford & Sons, The All-American Rejects, MS MR, Owl City, Lana Del Ray...
I always say that my musical taste is wide. It's a pile of bullshit. I usually only listen to pop, rock or pop-rock. Nothing too difficult, although I have had my emo-rock times also. Everything too heavy, real-rock, hipster or classic is way over me. My all time favorite remains Paramore, which tells a lot.
Right now my Spotify playlists are full of the following list: Paramore, Now Now, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, The Script, Muse, Linkin Park, Lady Gaga, The Scandinavian Music Group (Finnish), Green Day, 30 Second to Mars, Sanni (F), Death Cad for Cutie, Katy Perry, PMMP (F), Paper Route, Skrillex, Adele, Taylor Swift, This Providence, Pariisin Kevät (F), Haloo Helsinki! (F), Mumford & Sons, The All-American Rejects, MS MR, Owl City, Lana Del Ray...
On mulla se viideskin, se on autossa jytämässä // I also have the fifth one, it is in the car
Mun oma huone on ehkä ainoa huone, jossa tykkään hengata, tällä hetkellä meijän talossa. Lähinnä siks et meillä on menossa kauhea tavaran siirto-operaatio isoäidin kämpästä muualle ja nyt ne on jumissa meijän olohuoneessa. Ei sillä, en oo erityisen siisti ihminen itekkään. Joskus saan kauheita siivouspuuskia, mut ne on harvassa. Yleensä mun sänky ja pöytä ja lattia on täynnä tavaraa jonka sitten raivaan viikonloppuna ja alotan saman rumban uudestaan. Sotken ja siivoon, sotken siivoon.
Anyways, mun huone tais olla eka joka oli kokonaan sisustettu verhoja myöten, sillon ku muutettiin. En ollu koskaan oikeestaan sisustanut ennen tota muuttoa ja ah mä tykkäsin siitä! Mun huone on tosi paljon mun näkönen. Mulla on pieniä koriste-esineitä ja kuvia joka puolella. Ehkä mun lempijuttu tällä hetkellä on oven takana ja suoraan sängystä näkyvä seinä, joka on täynnä valokuvia joissa on Susanna 1-18v. ja lähes kaikki mulle tärkeet ihmiset ja momentit. Eniten inhoan sen sijaan sitä kuinka pieni mun huone on. Ihmiset yleensä kommentoi sitä lähinnä sanoin "miten mahdut kääntymään täällä". Joo lattia pinta-alaa tyhjänä on varmaan vaan pari neliömetriä yhteensä ja puolet niistäkin on jossain ns. turhassa paikassa. Esim oven edessä.
My room at the moment is the only place in our house not crowed with stuff (my grandma moved this summer and we are super busy and cannot get rid of the stuff yet). So my room might be the nicest place in the house. Allthough it is messy too sometimes.
My room looks a lot like the inside of my head. It has a lot of stuff from all around the world. Little suveniers, photos, photos, photos, clother, projects etc. But I simply love it, even though it is little as f***. I barely have room to swing a cat in (aka not really much anf half of it in wrong places like in front of the door). But it is home.
My room at the moment is the only place in our house not crowed with stuff (my grandma moved this summer and we are super busy and cannot get rid of the stuff yet). So my room might be the nicest place in the house. Allthough it is messy too sometimes.
My room looks a lot like the inside of my head. It has a lot of stuff from all around the world. Little suveniers, photos, photos, photos, clother, projects etc. But I simply love it, even though it is little as f***. I barely have room to swing a cat in (aka not really much anf half of it in wrong places like in front of the door). But it is home.
P.S. Sori tän pituus ja naamani yliannostus :) Kommentoi jos luit kokonaan!
P.S. I'm sorry about how long the post! Comment if you read it through!
P.S. I'm sorry about how long the post! Comment if you read it through!
November 6, 2013
One of my favorite things are lists, believe it or not. I make lists about everything and for everything. Another favorite thing of mine is to talk about myself (hahaha, not really...... or is it?) In any case, when I saw this posting "challenge" in my friends blog I knew I wanted to do the same! She had done some modifications to "the serie", and I feel like they were goodgoodgood.
So here are the 10 next posts I'm going to write:
10 random things from my life
9 things I hate
8 loves
7 moments I would like to relive
6i tems
5 songs
4 dreams
3 maxims (is this the right word?)
2 fears
1 most important picture
October 24, 2013
October 20, 2013
Happy Hunger Games!
October 17, 2013
About happiness - Ollin Onni
It would be
a huge generalization to say that I think most of the people know the feeling
I’m about to start with. I could rather say that many people like me, people
who are easily hurt and fragile, get easily stressed out and fervently miss people know what I’m talking about, when the whole world seems so heavy that
all the colors seem grey.
I know I’m using an enormous cliché. But it just describes very well how I sometimes feel like. For me it just means the inability to see beautiful and wonderful things around me. And especially for me, those things in many times depend on my eyesight and colors I see. Something very beautiful in its color makes me happy and vice versa.
I know I’m using an enormous cliché. But it just describes very well how I sometimes feel like. For me it just means the inability to see beautiful and wonderful things around me. And especially for me, those things in many times depend on my eyesight and colors I see. Something very beautiful in its color makes me happy and vice versa.
Because I
have been past this autumn sometimes unable to see the beautiful colors around
me, it was a wonderful feeling to go Kotka and see my best friend. All the
colors around me suddenly came back and seemed so generous, even though I knew
that the autumn colors in Turku were much brighter and richer. I even saw light
blue, which I think is the easiest to miss as grey. And I was really happy to
see again!
We visited a lovely place called Ollin Onni! It has been a long long time since I have felt so surrounded my history and stories. It was almost as I could have heard all the lovely tales all those items had to tell us.
Lyhyesti suomeksi tällä kertaa:
Kotkassa vierailu sai mut pitkästä aikaan näkemään iloisia värejä, vaalea sininen yhtenä niistä.
Ollin Onni upotti tarinoihin, joita kuvittelin esineille siellä. Pitkästä aikaan aikaan näin.
Lyhyesti suomeksi tällä kertaa:
Kotkassa vierailu sai mut pitkästä aikaan näkemään iloisia värejä, vaalea sininen yhtenä niistä.
Ollin Onni upotti tarinoihin, joita kuvittelin esineille siellä. Pitkästä aikaan aikaan näin.
October 11, 2013
Little something
I think that the most important thing in this planet are us, people, and the choices we make. I think we are the problem and the solution to many things, and in order to influence us we have to gain more understanding of who we are, and try and influence on each other the best possible way.
By these two things I'm aiming at my ambitions as humanist. I really hope and someday I could influence and/or understand people little bit more than I do now. I wish that psychology and other human sciences could someday reach the level of natural sciences in explaining what we are and why. And at the same time I'm intrigued by the fact that we maybe never will understand ourselves as we do understand others. Little part of me wishes it would stay that way.
We know why rains starts, or the winter comes, or even more cliche, we know that the earth is not flat. We think we know how people around us are alike. Some are funny and some are shy, some are social butterflies, some are throughoutly evil and others have good heart. We think we know everything about what is happening around us, or think that we can someday know. But what we in so many cases do not understand, or what is the most harderst to understand is who we ourselves are. It is easier to describe your best friend than say what kind of person I myself am.
I have always been hugely interested in people. I think they are the most facinating thing this world has to offer. They all have their past, their future, their present. Their ideas, emotions, opinions are all different and yet somehow most of them are right, in their own little universe. There is no right way to see the world, I guess. I wish that I could someday be part of someone's live through helping them as psychologist or influencing on their view of world by writing/photographing/saying something that made them feel something or think in new ways.Only time will so me will I ever do that.
Today I got selected as the editor of the school magazine, which for the first time in my time in that school, has as big group as it has now. Being selected made me think about Gilmore Girls' Rory and how I admired her in the series. I know that being the editor of our school's paper is nothing like being editor on American private school's paper or colleges paper, but I'm still proud to have this opportunity. And I'm really excited about all of this and that was what triggered me to write little bit more about what I have stuck in my head. I think that this magazine will be really cool, all the ideas in people minds which got out in our meeting, were amazing.
I'm really sorry about all the grammar and typing mistakes, I'm writing this in a dark bus on my way to Kotka and five star treatment with my best girl Kerttuli!
By these two things I'm aiming at my ambitions as humanist. I really hope and someday I could influence and/or understand people little bit more than I do now. I wish that psychology and other human sciences could someday reach the level of natural sciences in explaining what we are and why. And at the same time I'm intrigued by the fact that we maybe never will understand ourselves as we do understand others. Little part of me wishes it would stay that way.
We know why rains starts, or the winter comes, or even more cliche, we know that the earth is not flat. We think we know how people around us are alike. Some are funny and some are shy, some are social butterflies, some are throughoutly evil and others have good heart. We think we know everything about what is happening around us, or think that we can someday know. But what we in so many cases do not understand, or what is the most harderst to understand is who we ourselves are. It is easier to describe your best friend than say what kind of person I myself am.
I have always been hugely interested in people. I think they are the most facinating thing this world has to offer. They all have their past, their future, their present. Their ideas, emotions, opinions are all different and yet somehow most of them are right, in their own little universe. There is no right way to see the world, I guess. I wish that I could someday be part of someone's live through helping them as psychologist or influencing on their view of world by writing/photographing/saying something that made them feel something or think in new ways.Only time will so me will I ever do that.
Today I got selected as the editor of the school magazine, which for the first time in my time in that school, has as big group as it has now. Being selected made me think about Gilmore Girls' Rory and how I admired her in the series. I know that being the editor of our school's paper is nothing like being editor on American private school's paper or colleges paper, but I'm still proud to have this opportunity. And I'm really excited about all of this and that was what triggered me to write little bit more about what I have stuck in my head. I think that this magazine will be really cool, all the ideas in people minds which got out in our meeting, were amazing.
I'm really sorry about all the grammar and typing mistakes, I'm writing this in a dark bus on my way to Kotka and five star treatment with my best girl Kerttuli!
October 7, 2013
I think I might have a curse. Or curses.
First of them is that I always take my camera with me where ever I go and then forgot to use it.
So this is all the publishable material I have from (even tho its not even from there) my classmates awesome tribal party.
And yes, the mirror was dirty, thats not my wonderful picture editing.
And yes, the mirror was dirty, thats not my wonderful picture editing.
October 4, 2013
Palladium - ready for the fall
"Palladium- is a chemical element with the chemical symbol Pd and an atomic number of 46. It is a rare and lustrous silvery-white metal discovered in 1803 by William Hyde Wollaston. He named it after the asteroid Pallas, which was itself named after the epithet of the Greek goddess Athena, acquired by her when she slew Pallas."
And Palladiums are also my new fall shoes!
They chafe my heels, but I love them. Simply cute and just like me and what I needed after my old Lindex shoes started leak the fall inside them...
October 2, 2013
With no further intros, I'm writing again!
I know that the page, as it is now, is hipster(ish), and imprefect, but so am I.
I will of course change more things around when I feel inspired.
I know that the page, as it is now, is hipster(ish), and imprefect, but so am I.
I will of course change more things around when I feel inspired.
The topic of inspiration brings me to the next thing. I have some new guidelines/rules for myself and this blog and they go as follows:
1. I will not write when I don't feel like it.
2. I will not write if I don't have anything to write about/inspiration
3. I will write in English or in Finnish, depending how I feel like
4. I will try to take better pictures, and sometimes post without them
5. I will write about random things, whether someone likes them or not :)
6. I will not write when I don't feel like it.
7. I will write for myself.
June 6, 2013
Old and new loves
Not much to say. This day has gone with rewriting Finnish written assigment, about 1500 words to proofread and upgrade, yei.
Yesterday was more fun, grilling and hanging with the old and most darling friends from junior high, so to speak: the old loves. And this is simply what I wore, since I don't have any pics of the piles of meat all them ate or charming pics of me singing karaoke.
Yesterday was more fun, grilling and hanging with the old and most darling friends from junior high, so to speak: the old loves. And this is simply what I wore, since I don't have any pics of the piles of meat all them ate or charming pics of me singing karaoke.
Got this from my classmates as a b-day gift from Accessorize, LOVE IT. |
Dress Gina Tricot |
My new loves from Din Sko |
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