October 20, 2013

Happy Hunger Games!

One of my dear dear friend had the most awesome theme for his birthday!
I love theme parties and this is totally the way to do it. Big and flashy!
The Capitol from Hunger Games, so no further adieu here's the photo puke: 

 photo IMG_4331_zps200cd4d6.jpg  photo 201310_zps0c2f83cb.jpg  photo IMG_4323_zps0dfeb870.jpg  photo 2013101_zps0aad4a0a.jpg  photo IMG_4338_zps82d0857f.jpg  photo IMG_4371_zpsf56044f9.jpg  photo IMG_4349_zpsaf113b76.jpg  photo IMG_4378_zpsa6116294.jpg

Ps. Sorry about the lack of photoediting in some pics. 


  1. Lol mikä pepsodent smile mulla :D ja roosa näyttää niin drunkilt siel yhes kuvas :D

    1. Oot just ihana siks! :D Ja joo, se on kyl toi valo ku tekee vaha tollaseks :D
