May 28, 2013

Smart title about first times (outfit of the day)

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Jacket- Saints&Mortals, Carlings | shirt- JC | shorts- DIY | sunglasses- H&M
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Nailpolish I fell in love with- Mary Kay
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Shoes- Vans | Jewelry- Thomas Sabo and Nomination

There are first things for everything. In this post there is 3 first times:
1. I'm actually posting "day's outfit" -pics
2. I'm writing at the end of the post, after the pics
3. I'm wearing my DIY-shorts from few posts back

Real blogger would ask, what do you think?


  1. Cool! ja ompas hyvii kuvii ; ))

    1. ;) Tosin jostain syystä ne on tosi epätarkkoi, en tiiä missä mun konees vai kameras meni joku mönkää :O

  2. hhahah tai sit kuvaaja ei osannu tarkentaa : D
