May 15, 2013

DIY x2

Because of my accomplishment of not being sick, not dying and not failing completely more than one exam, I'm devoting this upcoming week for relaxing starting fully from Friday. I would have so much to tell and write about but I think I will this time get straight to the point.

My two DIY, from the past 7 days. 

1. Last Sunday was Mother's Day, and because I was away (woop, EYP stuff) I needed to prepare my mother's day gift perfect, before the actual weekend.
This was something she requested from me LONG time ago, just after all the shoe stores changed to selling winter shoes, so my mom was extremely happy when she saw these. I think she was a bit jealous of the shoes I made for my friend Lotta about a year ago.

And yes, she had already wore them when I took these pics, sorry about the mud. I basically had to wrench them from her hand, so that's why really quickly taken and poor quality pics!

 photo IMG_2561_zps7cf87f9a.jpg  photo IMG_2560_zpsadce2102.jpg  photo IMG_2559_zpse3bdd7b9.jpg  photo IMG_2557_zpsba0521ab.jpg  photo 201305_zps4502d36c.jpg
2. Today I started getting my mind of school by pimping up my old jeans. I'm at the moment really into renewing my closet and throwing away and fixing my old ones like a crazy. So when I came across with these horrible, old, broken jeans I had two choices, either to make them disapper or make them into something new. And green and hippie as I am I choose the later one!

 photo IMG_2567_zpsd105e28a.jpg
 photo IMG_2572_zps466817d6.jpg  photo IMG_2591_zps3de991e7.jpg photo IMG_2601_zpsc83503ff.jpg

ps. got rid of the old picture frames 


  1. vähä noi kengät on kivat ! tollaset omannäköset ja hauskat :D

  2. tosi kivoja kuvia, oot taitava ottaa ! <3 :) muutenki kiva blogi :>

  3. Uuuuu noi shortsitki onnistu kivasti :))

  4. Kiitos! Saty on tuned, nää shortsit saattaa lähipäivinä näkyä in action!
