The most common words I use at the time are the s-word, the f-word and all the other swear words of all the languages I know. Why? Because of four deadlines before Thursday! All of which are the part of my final grades. However as I finally saw the Despicable Me movies, I think I have found my mindset of work.
Minion. With hard work and little bit of laughter like Minion I will get through this spring!
And because at this point (point where my Extended Essay and Theory Of Knowledge -essay are almost complete) I do not want to take any risks of putting all my faith in file hosting services, I need my old and reliable USB memory stick system. So I bought the most cutest USB at Lincoln Road from a shop called
Also I think this/he is a good reminder of the work ethics I want to achieve. So here is my
Stuart, my muse.

I think his face captured the expression I have most of the time when doing school stuff

This is how my Stuart serves me
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