August 16, 2012

Home of trees

Organizing a bookshelf, selling old school books, setting goals, filing, listening about external and internal assignments and getting 50kg worth of books. I feel the things are waiting just around the corner to be piled up. But because pretty much everyone is starting the school year now, I won't talk more about that.

Instead I could tell you about Washington and maybe show you few pics from our trip there. As many may know there is quite a few museums in Washington D.C. city centre. There was no way we could have visited all of them in only 5 days, so we choose ones that were different from ones in New York.

Washington D.C. area would be a wonderful place to go school, because the variety of museums is huge and you can really learn there, if you have some certain topic you're interested in. Smithsonian museums would be a dream place to search for information and material for presentations and papers. When I was there I  almost wished that I had some kind of summer essay or something to write about history, because the amount of information you can get from those museums was so much that you couldn't really filter it, so I guess I missed a lot of interesting stuff while ignoring most of the texts and artifacts.

So the museums we visited in D.C. were:
National Air and Space Museum 
National Museum of American History
National Museum of the American Indian

I think the first one was the American history museum. It was huge place with a lot to read about. Some of the things were kind of cool and some not so much. Many exhibitions were closed and some had way too much things to see. But that would have definitely been interesting if I would have had some kind of goal what I was looking for. But American history, well covered there.

Next one we went to was the Air and Space, which was the only one my brother really wanted to go to. And oh yeah, it looked like something guys love. Airplanes after airplanes, and spaceships after spaceships. Definitely looked like nerdy boy's dream and I could clearly see why my skydiving boyfriend remembered the place and recommended it to us as a fun museum.

American Indian museum was my personal favorite since I'm very often most interested in minorities and old history. The artifacts in the museum were super inspriring, since I love art and sometimes like to do some crafts and pimp up old things. Got some pretty ideas and needed desire to study history again.

Or course we saw a bunch of other sights in D.C. Most of you probably know The National Mall, The Capitol Building, The White House and the Washington Monument, and basically almost where ever you are in the central city area you can see at least one of them.

My mom also wanted to visit Arlington National Cemetery which is military cemetery in Virginia, so basically on the other side of the river, and The Pentagon which serves as the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, and is also located in Virginia.

And last but not least I'm going to introduce you to Washington National Cathedral, which was one of the places I wanted to see, because of the movie Star Wars. And how are related? Well there is a teeny tiny Darth Vader sculpture on the tower near the entrence! Well I didn't actually see it very well, but I know I can say I have seen it.

There it is ! Believe it or not!
 Pssst. I heard a guide saying that Washington is a capital city that has more tree species than any other!

Anteeksi että tällä kertaa ei ole suomenkielistä käännöstä! Oon kirjottanu tätä postausta varmaan kolme päivää (enkä minää päivänä saanu valmiiks) ja nyt mulla ei ole minkäänlaista inspiraatiota alkaa kääntämään. Toivottavasti saan anteeksi laiskuuteni niiltä jotka mieluummin lukis suomea!


  1. Oisit zoomannu vahan siihen darth vaderiin ;)

    1. Pölö ! :P En pystyny ku pidempi objektiivi oli hotellil :(

  2. vautsi! mahtavia kuvia :) muutenki kiva blogi sulla :)
