August 30, 2012

Love flea markets!

I have fallen in love with flea markets in past 2 years. I wasn't really a flea market shopper before I went to high school (IB-lukio) and met the girl who I think has an awesome style, and who knows the best flea markets at least around Turku. I miss her and shopping (and window shopping) with her.

Last weekend was the first time I went to sell my stuff at flea market! I really need all the money I can get (saving for new camera) and I really had a lot of old useless stuff and still have. Planning to go again some time maybe soon with H.

But to the pics! The whole outfit has costed 3 euros for me! And I love it! The white dress costed all of that, so 3euros. Boots I had for free from the nice ladies beside us at flea market! And the belt I found from our storeroom.

Oon rakastunut kirpputoreihin tässä kahden viimesen vuoden sisällä! En oikeestaan ollu kirppis-shoppailija ennenku menin lukioon ja tapasin tytön jolla on musta ihan mahtava tyyli, ja joka tietää parhaat kirpparit ainakin Turun alueelta. Kauhea ikävä häntä ja shoppailua (ja ikkunashoppailua) hänen kanssa.

Viime viikonloppuna olin ekaa kertaa myymässä tavaraa kirppiksella! Mä todellakin tarviin kaiken rahan minkä voin saada (säästän uuteen kameraan) ja mulla tosiaan olikin kaikkea turhaa kamaa ja vielkäkin on. Suunnitteilla on mennä uudestaan piakoin mahdollisesti H:n kanssa.

Mut nyt kuvista! Koko asu mikä mulla on päällä makso vaivasen 3euroa! Ja rakastan sitä! Valkonen mekko oikeestaan makso sen kaiken eli 3euroa. Bootsit sain ihanilta naisilta jotka oli meidän vieressä kirppiksella! Ja vyön löysin varastosta.

With Lotta at around seven freezing our butts off! The parking lot is yet little empty but did fill up with people!
Lotan kanssa suunnilleen 7aikaan jäätymässä kuoliaaks! Parkkipaikka on vielä tyhmä mutta täytty ihmisistä myöhemmin!

August 28, 2012

Lady Freaking Gaga

Crazy, funny, talented, lenient, beautiful, scary, crazy, touching, amazing, warm, tolerant, cold, horrible, lovely, crazy, wonderful.
That's Mother Monster!
And this is my picture puke from the most amazing Born This Way Ball.

Lady Starlight

The Darkness


Black Jesus

"Last song"! Love this pic, even tho it isn't sharp
My accessories

One Government Hooker (as the wristband says).
There are Lady Gaga lunch box, thermostat mug and Little Monster Pride socks in my bag (came with the Government Hooker Package)
Jontte! Best Gaga fan I know!
Sore throat, cold and headache, still worth every penny and sickness.

August 21, 2012

Just do it yourself: cellphone skin

Yeah. I'm not the type of person to tell about my phone or computer or camera, or anything like that. But today I will make an exception. I have Lumia 710, which is kind of new and I got it sort of accidentally. I was completely happy with my old brick phone also. Lumia I have now is great and everything, some little problems like 3G not working. But the biggest problem is that they don't sell any cool skins for it!

So naturally I had to make one myself... Bought a simple transparent skin and simply drew on it. And to prevent the drawing from fading away in use, I did it "inside" the skin. Because ofc you can see it since the skin is transparent.

Jep. En oo sellanen tyyppi joka yleensä kertoo puhelimestaan, tietokoneestaan tai kamerastaa, tai mistään sellasesta. Mutta tänään teen poikkeuksen! Mulla on Lumia 710, joka on aika uus ja sain sen vähän niinkun vahingossa. Olin ihan tyytyväinen sen edeltäjäänkin, joka oli vanha ja näppäimellinen! Lumia joka mulla nyt on, on hyvä ja kaikkea, vaan jotain pienii ongelmii niinku 3G kokonaan toimimattomuus toistaseks ainakin. Mut suurin ongelma on että ne ei tee niihin mitään kivoja kuoria!

Joten tietenkin mun piti tehä ite omani... Ostin simppelin läpinäkyvän kuoren ja vaan piirsin siihen. Ja ehkäistäkseni sen kuvan kulumista, piirsin kuoren "sisään", koska tietenkin se näkyy ulospäin kun kuori on läpinäkyvä!Here's so pics! Ja kuvia!

August 16, 2012

Home of trees

Organizing a bookshelf, selling old school books, setting goals, filing, listening about external and internal assignments and getting 50kg worth of books. I feel the things are waiting just around the corner to be piled up. But because pretty much everyone is starting the school year now, I won't talk more about that.

Instead I could tell you about Washington and maybe show you few pics from our trip there. As many may know there is quite a few museums in Washington D.C. city centre. There was no way we could have visited all of them in only 5 days, so we choose ones that were different from ones in New York.

Washington D.C. area would be a wonderful place to go school, because the variety of museums is huge and you can really learn there, if you have some certain topic you're interested in. Smithsonian museums would be a dream place to search for information and material for presentations and papers. When I was there I  almost wished that I had some kind of summer essay or something to write about history, because the amount of information you can get from those museums was so much that you couldn't really filter it, so I guess I missed a lot of interesting stuff while ignoring most of the texts and artifacts.

So the museums we visited in D.C. were:
National Air and Space Museum 
National Museum of American History
National Museum of the American Indian

I think the first one was the American history museum. It was huge place with a lot to read about. Some of the things were kind of cool and some not so much. Many exhibitions were closed and some had way too much things to see. But that would have definitely been interesting if I would have had some kind of goal what I was looking for. But American history, well covered there.

Next one we went to was the Air and Space, which was the only one my brother really wanted to go to. And oh yeah, it looked like something guys love. Airplanes after airplanes, and spaceships after spaceships. Definitely looked like nerdy boy's dream and I could clearly see why my skydiving boyfriend remembered the place and recommended it to us as a fun museum.

American Indian museum was my personal favorite since I'm very often most interested in minorities and old history. The artifacts in the museum were super inspriring, since I love art and sometimes like to do some crafts and pimp up old things. Got some pretty ideas and needed desire to study history again.

Or course we saw a bunch of other sights in D.C. Most of you probably know The National Mall, The Capitol Building, The White House and the Washington Monument, and basically almost where ever you are in the central city area you can see at least one of them.

My mom also wanted to visit Arlington National Cemetery which is military cemetery in Virginia, so basically on the other side of the river, and The Pentagon which serves as the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, and is also located in Virginia.

And last but not least I'm going to introduce you to Washington National Cathedral, which was one of the places I wanted to see, because of the movie Star Wars. And how are related? Well there is a teeny tiny Darth Vader sculpture on the tower near the entrence! Well I didn't actually see it very well, but I know I can say I have seen it.

There it is ! Believe it or not!
 Pssst. I heard a guide saying that Washington is a capital city that has more tree species than any other!

Anteeksi että tällä kertaa ei ole suomenkielistä käännöstä! Oon kirjottanu tätä postausta varmaan kolme päivää (enkä minää päivänä saanu valmiiks) ja nyt mulla ei ole minkäänlaista inspiraatiota alkaa kääntämään. Toivottavasti saan anteeksi laiskuuteni niiltä jotka mieluummin lukis suomea!

August 3, 2012

Climbing the walls gets me nowhere

(Sorry about the break in here. The last hotel's internet really sucked! And I hated my mom's laptop. And after I came home I have been sick)

Home sweet home! So very sweet even tho I kind of already miss US. If I only could transfer my whole life to that continent somehow. Well, not so sure if I really wanna do that. There are also things I can't stand in US, like the wastefulness and all those fast food restaurants! Oh my, yuck. And the dirtiness of the NYC. That there like zero grocery store in D.C. And everybode used their own car to go everywhere!
Friendly people (especially in the countryside) and variety of things I will definitely miss alot. And my Tiara, ofc.

It wasn't really at all melancholic to leave D.C. or/and New York. Both are kind of empty, because only people I cared about in there were my family who was of course coming home too. But Ohio was hard to leave. I even miss the corn fields. And driving through them with Tiara and girls (she drives way too fast for me!) It was just like I had imagined the living on the countryside. Sad that I left before the country-concert, would have love to see that!

It funny that I seemed to enjoy more of the countryside tho I always think myself more as a city person. Maybe it is not the place itself, it is the people, which make place pleasant or unpleasant. (or maybe it is the name ;) )

I will tell you more about Washington D.C and New York City later on.

(Sori tauosta täällä. Viimesessä hotellissa netti kusi pahasti. Ja vihasin äidin konetta. Ja takas tultuani oon ollu vaan kipeenä)

Home sweet home! Ja rakas onkin, vaikka ikävöinkin jo vähän Amerikkaa. Jos vaan voisin jotenkin siirtää koko elämäni sille maanosalle. No, en kyl oo varma haluunko sitäkään. Amerikassa on kans asioita joita en voi sietää! Esimerkiksi tuhlaavaisuus ja kaikki ne pikaruokapaikat, yök! Ja New Yorkin likaisuus. Washingtonissa ei myöskään tuntunut olevan yhtä ainotta ruokakauppaa. Ja kaikki käytti omaa autoa kaikkialle!
Ystävällisiä ihmisiä (erityisesti maalla) ja tavaroitten ja muitten valinnanvaran suuruutta tuun ehdottomasti ikävöimään. Ja Tiaraani tietenkin. 

Ei ollu oikeestaan ollenkaa haikeeta jättää Washingtonia ja/tai New Yorkia. Ne oli molemmat tavallaan tyhjiä, koska ainoot ihmiset joista siel välitin oli mun perhe ja ne tietty oli kans tulossa kotiin. Mut Ohio olivaikee jättää. Mulla on ikävä jopa niitä maissipeltoja. Ja niitten välistä ajamista Tiaran ja tyttöjen kanssa (Tiara ajaa iha liian kovaa mun makuun!) Siel oli just sellasta ku olin kuvitellu et maalla asuminen olis. Harmi ku lähettiin ennen country-konserttii, olis ollu siistii nähä se!

Hassua et must tuntuu et nautin enemmän siellä maalla olosta, vaiks oonki aina aatellu et oon enemmä kaupunki-ihminen. Ehkä se ei ookkaa se paikka itsessään vaan ne ihmiset siellä, jotka tekee paikasta mukavan (pleasant) tai epämukavan. (Tai vaan paikan nimi ;) )

Kerron myöhemmin Washingtonista ja New Yorkista ja mitä siel nähtiin!