February 27, 2015


Ever since I found a pile of cross-stitch patterns from my grandma's house I have been dying to try them out. Not everyone has cross-stitch patterns from 1910's in 4 different languages (thanks great grandma for bringing those from all over the world with your ship captain husband). The only problem was that I haven't had any clothes needing a make-over, no piece of clothing/cloth missing embellishing. When the Christmas came I saw my opportunity right away.

There are many people that love cross-stitches (as they are coming back, hipster style), but one of my friends above all was perfect for this present. I knew right away that Keikki only would appreciate my handmade cross-stitched towels as much as I do.

So I took all those beautiful, much loved pattern from our bookshelf and started to marvel. It took me quite some time to set on lettering and pattern I wanted to use. And there is still so so many I want to try out. But here are the two kitchen towels I made for my kitchen loving K.

 photo IMG_0966_zpsqcbb2zrq.jpg
 photo 2014-12-16 Keikin joululahja_zpshud8eygo.jpg
 photo IMG_0974_zpsr6x5sxip.jpg

I think this project made me want to name all my future towels. So pretty and so much fun to do. Great way to relax after a long hard day. You get your mind of everything and just stitch. 

February 11, 2015

Idle hands are sad hands

Especially after my graduation from IB, I have had this constant desire to make something with my hands. 
Paint, write, draw, craft. 
Anything as long as it does not involve academic concentration or reading. 

Here are two super easy DIYs I have done lately, and feel that are worth sharing!

First up, these super cute ring holders. 
I got the tip from (my) queen of DIY -blog followers: Keikki.  
She got the tip from here.

 photo IMG_1026_zpsoijuwbcp.jpg

Second one I came across very randomly at a flea market. 
I was immediately drawn to this one bowl, but in closer inspection it proved to be bit damaged. 
Perfect DIY subject! For just 3 euros!

Hiding the paint chips was easy and required only 3 steps. Photo here.
1. Taping 
2. Two to three coats of acrylic paint
3. Little bit glossy varnish to keep the paint on (spray was super easy) 

I think this will make an awesome bowl for keeping random little stuff, like pens and keys, in order somewhere like living room or hallway.

 photo IMG_1022_zpshhmogsxj.jpg

February 6, 2015

Pitäisi kai ryhdistäytyä

Blogi on pitänyt hiljaiseloa melkein kuukauden.
Koska niin on pitänyt myös Susa. 
(Myös Susan kone sanoi itsensä irti ja uusi on vielä uusi ja ihmeellinen)

Nukun pitkään ja vetelehdin päivät. Kerään varmaan voimia lukemisen aloittamiseen.
Ensi viikolla alkaa valmennuskurssi. Jännittää. 

Tekis mieli vaan ravistella jännäily pois, mutta ei se niin vaan lähdekkään.
Mitä jos en pääse minnekään?
Mikä on mun varavaihtoehto?
Mitä mä teen ensi vuoden sitten?
Osaanko mä enää opiskella?

Vielä kauhistuttavampaa on että jos sitten vaikka pääsenkin sisään.
Missä mä asun sitten?
Miten maksetaan laskut?
Miten yliopistossa opiskellaan? 
Pitääkö pitää itse huolta kaikesta?
Kuka muistuttaa et syödäkin pitäis?
Miten saan kaikki tavarani Tampereelle asti?
Kuka kokoaa mun huonekalut ja avaa tukkeutuneet putket?
Mitä jos siellä onkin ihan tyhmää ja haluan kotiin?
Kai kaverit tulee käymään vaikka olenkin kaukana?
Osaanko kaiken?

Pitäiskö eka vaan kattoa että saanko sitä tilastomatikkaa päähäni laisinkaan?

Ryhtiliikkeen aloitan ensiviikolla blogissa. Viimeistään tiistaina. 
Koska kuka sanoo et muutos pitää tehä aina viikon ensimmäisenä päivänä?