June 6, 2013

Old and new loves

Not much to say. This day has gone with rewriting Finnish written assigment, about 1500 words to proofread and upgrade, yei.

Yesterday was more fun, grilling and hanging with the old and most darling friends from junior high, so to speak: the old loves. And this is simply what I wore, since I don't have any pics of the piles of meat all them ate or charming pics of me singing karaoke.

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Got this from my classmates as a b-day gift from Accessorize, LOVE IT.
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Dress Gina Tricot
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My new loves from Din Sko

June 5, 2013

First things first (room post)

I have TONS of school things yet to done. But what I do: watch two seasons of akward. and randomly organize and clean my room. Anything to keep me away from my extended essay and written assignment.

Anyhow, I decided to post my very own and first room post, so here is my humble abode:

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And just to be clear my room is not usually this clean. Only about one fourth of the time and when I'm not home.

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June 3, 2013

Good start is made of coconut cupcakes and pear wine

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Mine and Roosa's birthday present to Kristina! Decoration is handmade by me!
Ina's amazing servings!
These are the only pictures I have share to you. That's because this time I decided to live more and capture the moments less. It paid off. After two (and half) amazing parties with the best people on this planet, two dresses, a lot of music, laughter, homecoming just before the morning light, smiles and terrible hangover tiredness I'm ready kick off this summer!