I have been now home for little more than one day. And it has been weird. It is a whole new world in EYP sessions... I don't need to say, but it was AWESOME. I'm now hoping good news from
the selection results.
First day was a lot of new people and definitely alot of new experiences! Right
from the beginning the Session was really formal and the opening
ceremony followed official
protocols, which was kind of fun since it made me feel so important. First day
mostly was only about getting to know each other and teambuilding, which was great since the topics on the next days were so
hard to handle that you really needed to know the people around to so
that you know how to work together to tackle those huge globally
influencing issues.So it was all about Fred the Moose and Drunken Bottles and being silly and crazy on the first days.
The secong day of our EYP session we got into really working and
discussing. Our committee of 11 people and chairman and journalist talked about climate change:
From Durban to Doha: international climate talks have so far been a
series of high-profile failures. With no conclusive agreement in sight
and the goal of keeping the increase in global average temperature below
2 degrees becoming impossible to achieve, where should the EU lie in
climate policy?
Engaging myself to talk about such an important issue as climate change
wasn't hard. Brainstroming the problems and facts about climate change
on the otherhand increased my comprehension of the wideness of the issue
at hand. There was so much to talk about and everyone in our committee
wanted to emphasize completely different kinds of matters. Some of us
thought more globaly, some of us wanted to focus on the individuals. The
more we got into the topic, the more my head got confused and I really
realized how big the issue was. And I wrote about page long report about that on my CAS reflection... And that tells a lot! :D
General Assembly on next day
was A LOT of discussing. At some point it felt like it would never end. But I loved it. Even tho I stood up and said my opinion only twice (and after that once to give a speech), because of my terrible stage fright, I enjoyed every minute of seeing and listening everyone else talk. It gave me so much new to think about.
All in all, the experience was eye-opening and life changing, and left me want more. I miss sleeping on the floor and being with the people are in some ways so much like I am. And even thought the resolutions were hard to make, it
feeled like doing something great, something bigger than myself.
Especially when I walked to the lectern and spoke all more than 100
pairs of ears and addressed our point.
My fellow delegate from my school, and my dear new(ish) friend! |
I will add more photos, when I got them from our journalist and if he lets me to post them :)